A few years ago I received my high school diploma and Associate of Science degree at 16 years old 10 days apart from each other. I graduated in the middle of my junior year in December of 2017. And, I am on track to graduate again in December of 2020 with my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at 19 years old.

I became interested in dual enrollment after attending a College Credit Plus meeting my 8th grade year.
P.S. Dual Enrollment is a national program that allows students as young as in 7th grade take college classes and receive dual credit for free or at a reduced price.
I had entered high school with seven high school credits, always challenging myself academically. My high school advisor wanted to fill my schedule with senseless classes until I graduated, but I knew there was a better way. I enrolled in my first two college classes the second half of my freshman year at fourteen. This was a revived program in my state, but an old initiative around the country.
That first semester I took one college class at the high school and one class in person at my local community college. From there I went on to take classes every semester for a total of six semesters within a total of two years straight. I gradually increased my college schedule and decreased my high school classes to receive as many dual credits allowed.
Now, let’s talk about the types of classes I took.
From high school offered college classes to online, in-person and Saturday courses, I worked hard to make my goal of graduating at sixteen possible. Along with my personal goal, my community rallied around me to help keep me going even when it seemed that I may not graduate due to a discrepancy one class. In the end, I took eighteen college credits my last semester in order to graduate on time.
After walking across the stage at my community college, I was recognized by the President in his commencement speech and featured in the local newspaper. By this time, I started a business, teaching others about this national program.
Now, I am the author of The Strategic Mind of A Young Legend, sharing how A College Graduate at 16 is Changing the World One Word at a Time. I've since added a bonus within the most recent edition detailing how they too can graduate early with my well-known 10 Step Guide to Graduate Early. I've recently launched, Dual Enrollment Company as a platform to share much needed community of resources to help navigate the program for parents, students, and educators.
Now that you know my dual enrollment success story, I want to share with you the exact strategy I used. I have listed each of the high school and college classes that I enrolled in to graduate within those two years. Please keep in mind, these are the high school and college specific classes that applied to my programs. These can vary widely for each person
Italicized words mean it was a college course
>> Credit received toward high school course
7th Grade
Algebra I
Spanish I
Physical Education
8th Grade
Physical Science
Spanish II
9th Grade: Freshman Year of High School
Fall Semester:
- English 9
- World History
- Algebra II
- Information Technology
- Introduction to Business
- Concepts for Life
Spring Semester:
- English 9
- World History
- Algebra II
- English Composition I >> English 11
- Introduction to Programming Logic
Summer Semester:
- Intro to Theatre
- American History Since 1877 >> American History
- English Composition II >> English 12
10th Grade: Sophomore Year of High School
Fall Semester:
- College Algebra
- Elementary Chemistry I >> Chemistry
- English 10
Spring Semester:
- Introduction to Psychology >> Social Science
- Introduction to American Government >> Government History
- Principles of Microeconomics
- English 10
Summer Semester:
- Practice of Statistics >> Statistics
- Introduction to Weather & Climate
- Senior Seminar
11th Grade: Junior Year of High School
Fall Semester:
- Beginning Spanish I >> Language 1
- Introduction to Sociology
- Trigonometry >> Trigonometry
- Physical Geology
- Marketing Principles
Based on my transcript, those are the exact classes I took in high school and college to graduate as early as I did.
By sharing the details of my story that I have not shared before, I hope this puts into perspective exactly how every student who pursues dual enrollment can achieve their graduation goals.
Comment down below your dual enrollment story.